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A platform where a plethora of Artistic, Creative,

and Eclectic individuals 

Present Positive Pieces of Profound work.

Experience the Passion of these Poets as they Expose and Explore their vulnerability by leaving pieces of their Soul and remnants of their Hearts on the stage.

Our Featured Artist

"Akbar Asiyahsson"

Larry Love  2.jpg

A dynamic professional spoken word artist. He is a Writer, Producer, and Director. As founder and CEO of the entertainment and outreach organization, Creative Love Network, Larry and his talented team of poets, performers, and professionals curate high-level events with the belief that poetry, music, and the arts can both entertain and positively impact lives. His work as a Life Mastery classroom mentor and a certified Emotional Intelligence facilitator allows him to add impactful substance to his projects and performances. He is a husband, a father and a champion for the people.

So come on thru and help us Po-et On!

Swaam Poster

Spoken Word,
Lyrical Artist

Get Ready for our next show on:
January 19th 2025!

Swaam Poster
Swaam Poster

©2019-2021 by Dennis'dePoet' DeLoach. | All Rights Reserved | Created by:     CGA WebConcepts

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